2014年4月30日 星期三

最具才氣的慈善家 3LAU


最具才氣的慈善家 3LAU

3LAU,這位來自 Las Vegas 的年輕小將,小編同樣也關注他一陣子了,今天就來介紹介紹吧,風格以 Progressive House 為主的他,從小就喜歡玩音樂,會的樂器相當多元,鋼琴、鼓、吉他樣樣拿手,甚至自己也可以當Vocal,能唱能作曲,這在台灣叫什麼?對,就是音樂創作才子來著!瞧他照片中一副萬人迷的模樣,親和力極高,群眾魅力更是無法擋,擁戴他的粉絲著實不少呢!

圖片來源:3LAU Fan Page

而過去 3LAU 幾乎都是以 Mashup 或 Bootleg 別人的作品為主,2012 年他開始全心全意專注於 DJ 事業,分別於 2013 及 2014 年推出兩首與葛萊美獎提名女歌手 Bright Lights 合作的歌曲,皆令人為之驚豔,簡單的洗腦式旋律,記憶點相當地高,餘音繞梁,三日不絕於耳,令小編欲罷不能啊!除此之外,今年他首次登上 Ultra Music Festival(俗稱 UMF 的世界性電音祭典) 的舞台,成功讓全世界見識到 3LAU Style!另外據小編所知,Tiësto 相當提拔這位年輕小夥子,不僅 Bootleg 他的歌曲 Bang(4/28 已經 Release,兩周前的 Club Life 367 就放了兩首 3LAU 的歌曲呢!在 Twitter 上也見他們互動良好,3LAU 更時常在 Facebook 分享兩人的合照

3LAU 表示:「瞧 Tiësto 那副模樣已經第 17 杯 Tequila Shot了,俺是第 0 Shot(對照組)」
"So Tiësto was on tequila shot #17. I was on shot #0" by 3LAU

Tiesto with 3LAU
圖片來源:3LAU Fan Page

好啦又到了聽歌時間啦,今天咱就來聽聽與 Paris & Simo(Revealed Recordings 旗下的新人組合)及 Bright Lights 合作的 Escape,這首可是在去年七月 Beatport 最佳銷售榜上排名第三的歌曲!

3LAU, Paris & Simo feat. Bright Lights - Escape

上個月剛 Release 的 How You Love Me,就是這首令小編魂牽夢縈啊!

3LAU feat. Bright Lights - How You Love me

再來一定要提到這首 Tiësto3LAU 所 Bootleg 的 Bang,而故事是這樣的,在 2013 年的十月,3LAU 寄了一首歌曲的 Demo 給 Tiësto

而提老表示:「這首歌很棒,但是 hmmm....總覺得還少了些什麼,應該多來點 Oldschool 的味道」
"I sent the instrumental to Tiesto in Oct of 2013, he love it & thought it'd be dope to add something w/ an oldschool vibe, thus Bang was born." by 3LAU

Bang 就此誕生了!而 MV 呢是在敘述猴子的淫糜派對生活(咦?怎麼好像哪裡怪怪的),總之這是一首非常有看頭的歌噢!

3LAU - Bang (Tiësto Bootleg)


事實上 3LAU 也是位慈善家,時常將演出所得捐給非營利組織,協助發展中國家建立學校,目前已經成功讓小朋友們能順利接受教育!學校還印有「Dedicated to the friends and family of Justin Blau(3LAU 本名)」的字樣,著實令人感動,有能力就多付出,這樣的行為令小編相當敬佩!小編支持你!

圖片來源:Pencils Of Promise

P.S. 3LAU 定期推出的 Set:HAUS,有興趣的朋友可以到 SoundCloud Follow 他噢!

How You Love Me Lyrics

Nobody's perfect I'll never try,
But I promise I'm worth it if you just open up your eyes,
I don't need a second chance,
I need a friend,
Someone who's gon' stand by me right there till the end,
If you want the best of my heart,
you've just gotta see the good in me.

Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
I could be your sun when it's cold outside,
I could be your rock when there's nowhere to hide,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
It's How You Love Me.

You get what you give, that's the simple truth.
So, just lend me your hand and I'll give you someone to hold onto.
I don't need a second chance,
I need a friend, Someone who's gon' stand by me right there till the end,
If you want the best of my heart, you've just gotta see the good in me.

Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel, It's all in how you love me.
I could be your sun when it's cold outside,
I could be your rock when there's nowhere to hide,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
It's How You Love Me.

如果你/妳覺得我們寫得還行,給我們一個讚,我們會持續分享好音樂和電音文化Liquid Trouse Fan PageLiquid Trouse See You Next Time!!


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